Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Pride and Prejudice

I know that I am behind the times and quite a few of you when it comes to this piece of literary masterpiece.  Now, that being said, I have watched the movie with Kiera Knightley twice in the last week.  I have not read the book, which I fully intend on doing somewhere in between all of the designing and shipping and billing and whatnot a family life entails.

However, here is what I have taken away from this:

A woman, a sister, a daughter, a lady whom loves her family fiercely and as such is quite ahead of her time in how she protects them.  Speaking out against not only the upper crust of society's women folk who decide that she and/or family are to be put in their place about who or whom they are to marry.  Especially when Mr. Darcy falls in love with Elizabeth.  However, this love affair is complicated by the fact that Ms. Elizabeth finds Mr. Darcy repugnant because she thinks that just because he is wealthy, he has disdain for her and her family.  This is not true, he actually loves her.  There is intelligent back and forth, while he works through his inability to speak straightforth to Ms. Elizabeth and she learns to see him for who he is and not how much he has.  Finally, they both get over their own pregjudicial designs but alas, it is not that easy.  His aunt pays Ms. Elizabeth a visit in the middle of the night demanding that Ms. Elizabeth promise to never to accept a proposal of marriage from Mr. Darcy as he has been bethrothen to his cousin since birth.  Now, in the course of this intrusive and unexpected conversation, which by our standards today was rather civilized, Ms. Elizabeth appears to have keep her tongue, while being berated and insulted by the aunt.

However, once the aunt demands she promise to never accept a proposal of marriage from Mr. Darcy, even though she does not think it will ever happen, Ms. Elizabeth refuses.  The reason?  Because the aunt came into their house insulting Ms. Elizabeth and her entire family.  That was and never will be acceptable to Ms. Elizabeth. 

Now, we as parents do this for our children, and spouses do this for each other.  Eventually, children do that same for parents.  But, do you ever wonder what the world would be like if we did this for the rest of the community, the state, the country, the world?

Can you imagine if, instead of trying to destroy each other, we did everything we can to help each other?  Instead of trying to "win" more than you, I cooperated with you and we both reaped the rewards?

Think on that for awhile, watch Pride and Prejudice and look at yourself to see what prejudices you have that may be keeping you from loving someone for who they really are, or being friends with someone because they may be above or below your "station", or hating someone simply because of the color of their skin, the pronunciation of their name or the country they were born in, and decide are you willing to make a change and swallow your "pride?"

It all starts with me, and I heard the word "GO!"  Are you going to catch up?

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

New creations

I have reached a point where I am trying to understand why as artists we have days, weeks and even months that we create, create and create like mad.  Then all of the sudden, BAM, we hit that wall.  And nothing.  We will sit and stare at our tools, our materials, our usual inspiration with nothing coming to mind. 

I am a great analyzer, so I am not one to sit back and just let things flow.  My creations are the only things that I allow to just flow.  But, when that flow just stops, that is when I start analyzing.  Why did we start having these flows of creative juices, why us?  And just as quickly as they start, why do they periodically stop and start?  Why are some people very creative and some people extremely mathimatically inclined, but put a handful of beads, some wire and string in front of them and all they can do is try to figure out quantum theory equations?

These are the questions that I will never have answers to, the questions that science has been trying answer for ages, questions that, frankly only the Heavens hold the keys to.  These are the questions that I will ponder ever time I pick up a piece of wire and try as I might, I cannot make a beautiful piece of jewelry appear like it normally does.

This week has been one of those frustrating weeks.  I have slowed way down on the creative process.  So, I have concentrated on the backside of building my jewelry business, marketing, photography, etc.  One day, hopefully soon, the creative muse will come back.  When she does, I will hold her hand and walk with her in the garden of creativity breathing in the air of beauty as long as she will stay with me. 

Until then, I continue to anaylze, market and look at those whose creative muse is still walking with them, such as these artists.  Enjoy them.


These are just a few of my favorite artists whom the muse strikes.  I hope that you find them as intringing as I do.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

A New Etsy Treasury!

I am excited because I finally got my first chance to make an Etsy Treasury.  For any of you that have done research, you know that a Treasury if one of the best ways to make yourself and your shop known on Etsy.  Needless to say, I am very, very excited.

I sat like a tigeress awaiting my chance to pounce. 347, 346, 342, 336, 335, 334, ugh this is killing me, 333, one more, 332!  Yes, I finally have a chance!  Heart pounding, palms sweating, you would think I was waiting for the lottery to show the final number to my winning ticket, for Heaven's sake.

I clicked the left mouse button, and I could see my finger in slow moootttiiiooonnn, press the mouse button, and the button depress and I watched as the screen went blank, then the little egg timer come up and spin in a circle. OH NO, it isn't going to work!  So close but no cigar. ~~Sigh~~

But wait, it is bringing up a page I have never seen before, I got in, I got in!  I am doing a happy dance in the living room chair.  I can't believe it, I got in.  Okay, now where is the Treasury I saved the other day?  I wanted to be prepared, you know.  Oh boy, it is lost in computer lala land.  UGH, again.

Oh well, that isn't going to stop me.  I took my time and found every single item I had placed into the saved, but lost, file.  Once I am completely satisfied with the Treasury, I check it over a second, third and ,for good measure, a fourth time.  I finally click the post button and sit back with a very audibly loud ~~Sigh~~

Check it out  http://www.etsy.com/treasury_list.php?room_id=123828

Let me know what you think and remember to use the Treasury to promote your business by curating your own collection of  your favorite sellers or items.

Happy Easter or Passover also!